


Happy New Year




英コミ blog No.2

   A Happy New Year!

みなさんはどんなお正月(New Year’s Day)を過ごしましたか?

初詣 (First Visit to Shinto Shrine)、おせち料理(Osech-Ryori, specially prepared New Year’s dishes)、お年玉(Otoshi-dama)、書き初め(calligraphy for the first time in the New Year)、・・・。日本にはまだまだ伝統的なお正月を彩る風習がたくさんありますね。





Happy New Year Everyone,

  Christmas in Texas is a time for the family to get together.  In the days leading up to  Christmas, my mother and grandmother were busy making cookies.   We had a wonderful Christmas dinner, including ham, salad, sweet potato pie, brussel sprouts and many other dishes.  At night, the Christmas tree lit up the room, and the fire in the fireplace kept us warm and cozy.  I'm thankful for the time I spent with my family.




New Year's is a time for partying with friends and family.  I met up with some of my old high school friends.  We enjoyed eating and drinking at my friends house with family members and neighbors.  After the countdown, fireworks began to sound off all around the city.  It was a night to remember.